This repo contains the supporting code for the manuscript 'Observing a Collective to Infer the Characteristics of Agents'
The code is organized as two subdirectories: Simulation
, which contains code (MATLAB) to generate simulated data, and Analysis
, which contains code (Python) that performs classification analysis. The general workflow is as follows:
- Use simulation scripts to generate simulated data (MAT files).
- Use the functions in
script to generate summary data. - Use the functions in
to reproduce figures in the manuscript.
: Runs the 2D simulations for a variety of parameters: delv (which is the intrinsic speed, s0), Nr (which is the number ratio) and rho which is the packing density.
: Code for the Agent based model for circular agents in 2D periodic domain for a given set of parameters.
: Contains the forces on the agents (self-propulsion, inter-agent short ranged interaction, brownian noise (turned off in the default))
and agents_Expmemory_per2D_Randomization.m
: These functions are used to create randomly packed arrangement of agents for the initial conditions to be used later in ABM_bidispese_delv_rho_Nr.m
and parameters_additional.m
the required parameters for the ABM simulations.
NOTE: To reproduce the results in the paper (ArXiv link), run Runner_OandI_delv_rho_Nr.m
. The system size N can be varied in the above m file. The parameters corresponding to the forces between the agents can be changed using the parameters.m
Most of the heavy-lifting is done by the classes AgentDynamics
) and DataClassifier
). AgentDynamics
represents one simulation realization, while DataClassifier
aggregates multiple realizations for a given set of parameters. See the methods of each class for more details, most of the methods are documented.
Once we have simulated data from the simulation scripts,
script contains functions to process and summarize classification results.
collects and summarizes simulation data (MAT files) into summary representations.compute_classification_metrics
performs classification analysis (with both observers -- see paper for details) on the summary representations, and saves the confusion matrices.- The functions in
uses the confusion matrices and summary representations to generate figures from the manuscript.