ZEE5 is an Indian subscription video on-demand and over-the-top streaming service, run by Zee Entertainment Enterprises. It was launched in India on 14 February 2018 with content in 12 languages. The ZEE5 mobile app is available on Web, Android, iOS, Smart TVs, among other devices..
AS part of unit 4 construct week I cloned the zee5 to the best of my ability as individual in the span of 5 days.
1.Social Sign-up/Sign-in. 2. User authentication from back-end. 3. For Data I have created Json Server and deployed it on Heroku. 4.Fetched the data using Axios. 5. Added iframe so movies can play upto 4K. 6.With the functionality of play pause ,backward and forward 7.Also added logout functionality.
- This is the Landing page of zee5.com
2.This is Log-in
3.This is Sign-up and Sign-in Page
- Side Menu
- Movie Page
- Upcomming Movie Page
- News Page
- Movies page