I am a Full Stack developer 🚀 from India. I have been part of various end-to-end product and module development related to Big Data Analytics, Security as well as UI components. I am an experienced developer skilled in Java, Microservices, Full Stack Development, Big Data, Machine learning, MERN, Javascript and its frameworks. Besides coding and programming, I am a big foodie, love cooking and love to travel. I have a knack for writing too and write on my personal blog-
arpendu's blog/StackAbuse blogs/Reflectoring.io blogs
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- 🔭 I’m currently working in
MicroFocus, Bangalore. - 🌱 I’m currently learning Cloud related stuffs and anything that interests me to solve any use-case or a problem.
- 👯 I look forward to absorb knowledge🧠,gain experience👨🏭, collaborate🤝 and build amazing products 🏭for the world🌍!
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love trying out different cuisines! 😃
- 📫 How to reach me:
Languages and Tools:
- Hands-on: Apache Kafka
- Demystifying Transactions and Exceptions with Spring
- Building a CSV Importer with Node.js
- Automated Tests with Feature Flags and Cypress
- Admin Operations with Node.js and Feature Flags
- Guide to Simple Email Service (AWS SES) with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
- Convert YAML Array into Java List with SnakeYAML
- One-Stop Guide to Mapping with MapStruct
- Reactive Architecture with Spring Boot
- Getting Started with Spring WebFlux
- Asynchronous Pub/Sub Messaging in Java with NATS JetStream
- Guide to Quartz with Spring Boot - Job Scheduling and Automation
- Spring Boot: Guide to RestTemplate
- Node.js Application Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
- Spring Security: In-Memory Invalidation of JWT Tokens During User Logout
- Caching strategies for REST API in Java using Spring Boot
- A simple Chatbot using Dialogflow, NodeJs and Websocket
- Various caching strategies For REST API in NodeJs
- Distributed Consensus using Leader Election Algorithm
- Infrastructure-as-a-code using Terraform
- Quarkus: yet another framework like Spring Boot
- Reactive Stream messaging in Java using Quarkus
- Spark SQL Structured Streaming with Kafka
- Graph like data using Neo4j Graph Database
- Indexed Full-Text searching made easy