This project is a technical test demonstration of a full-stack application. It consists of two pages:
- News feed: Displays a list of different articles fetched from the database by calling the API endpoint that retrieves them. This articles can be archived.
- Archived news: Displays a different list of articles that are also fetched from the DB but that have been archived. These can be permanently deleted.
- A frontend built using Angular and styled with Bootstrap.
- The backend is powered by Node.js and Express.js to handle the server-side logic with different API endpoints.
- As for the database I used an atlas mongoDB cluster to manage stored data.
- Node.js: v20.16.0
- Angular: 17.3.10
- Boostrap: 5.3.3
- Express: 4.21.1
- Mongod: 2.0.0
- Cors: 2.8.5
Clone the repository: Start by cloning the project.
- git clone
- cd news: Navigate to news directory.
- npm install
- cd api-news: Navigate to api-news directory.
- npm install
- cd news: Navigate to news directory.
- ng serve: Launch frontend application on the 4200 port.
- cd api-news: Navigate to api-news directory.
- node index.js: Launch backend server on the 9909 port.
MongoDB Connection:
- connectionString will be provided in the secret.js file, which contents shall be privately shared via email.
- secret.js file must be placed in the api-news directory.
If you reach this part and you've read everything, thanks for taking the time to do so.
v 1.0 - 26/10/2024