Angular token auth, was made to work with jwt-auth plugin for Laravel that handles JWT auth token + refresh mechanism.
Originally inspired by ng-token-auth.
bower install ad-token-auth --save
Include bower_components/ad-token-auth/src/ad-token-auth.min.js
angular.module('myApp', ['adTokenAuth'])
.config(function($authProvider) {
// Available settings
apiUrl: '',
signOutUrl: '/auth/logout',
emailSignInPath: '/auth/login',
tokenValidationPath: '/auth/validate',
tokenRefreshPath: '/auth/refresh',
validateOnPageLoad: true, // if 'true' - will try to validate user on page load
tokenFormat: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {{ token }}'
.run(function($rootScope, $location, Session) {
// Session is an example service that would store
// logged in user and login state
// handle successful auth
var authSuccess = function(data) {
// handle failed auth
var authFail = function(shouldRedirect) {
if (shouldRedirect) {
// Available event listeners
// handle auth events
// `type` can be: 'login' or 'validation'
$rootScope.$on('auth:success', function(e, type, data) {
// handle failed auth
// `type` can be: 'login' or 'validation'
$rootScope.$on('auth:error', function(e, type, err) {
authFail(type !== 'login');
// handle successful logout
$rootScope.$on('auth:logout-success', function() {
// handle failed logout
$rootScope.$on('auth:logout-error', function(e, err) {
console.error('Logout failed', err);
.controller('AuthController', function($scope, $auth) {
// login function
$scope.login = function() {
var params = {
email: '',
password: 'password'
.then(function(data) {
console.log('got success response', data);
.catch(function(err) {
console.log('failed login', err);
// logout function
$scope.logout = function() {
Tries to sign user in. Accepts object that is passed in POST request.
Returns a promise.
Tries to sign user out and clears the data from localStorage.
Returns a promise.
Checks if token is set in localStorage and also if user is set as already logged in.
Checks if user is already logged in, if not, checks for token in localStorage and tries to validate it if exists.
Returns a promise.
Validates a token.
Returns a promise.
Clears token from localStorage and sets user as logged out.