The steps for recognizing Traffic-Sign are the following:
Load the data set (see below for links to the project data set)
Explore, summarize and visualize the data set
Design, train and test a model architecture
Use the model to make predictions on new images
Analyze the softmax probabilities of the new images
Summarize the results with a written report
The traffic-sign classifier data is stored in directory called traffic-signs-data
Load the data using pickle module.
The data comes with three section training set , validation set and test set.
But every data set has four keys and we only need features and labels from each set
Then I store the training data in X_train and y_train for features and labels respectively.
Used same technique for validation set and test set also.
For exploring the dataset I used pandas,numpy and collection module and for visualization I used matplotlib.pyplot module .
The python inbuilt len() function is used to see the sizes of the datasets.
number of example in training set : 34799
number of example in validation set : 4410
number of example in test set : 12630
Then I used numpy's shape method to get the shape of the data sets as the datasets are in numpy.ndarray class format.
Each dataset has shape of 4-d tensor . The first number is the number of example which I already obtained by len() function.
The last three numbers describing the image shape are height,width and color channel respectively.
All the images are in 32x32x3 shape .
The plot_image() function gives a 4x4 grid of randomly selected images from training data .
Then I print the classes of the labels associated with each 16 images.
The traffic sign data has total 43 classes and each class has different number of examples ranging from approximately 150 to 2000.
We can see the number of examples in each classes by using the Counter() object.
Then I visualized the discrepency in the dataset using a bar plot . Each column gives the number of examples in that class.
Augmentation of the dataset There are many good choices for augmenting the dataset such as adding random contrast or brighness or random flipping by left or right . Here I use random brightness to augment the data . I use tensorflow's tf.image.random_brightness() function and then evaluate it . Then I concat the this new dataset with training data. So the new training size is double than the previous . Some of the new images after adding distortions :
Here I have written 3 functions :
1. gray_scale(): Takes a list of images as input and output a 32*32*1 grayscale image .
2. normalizer(): Min-Max scaling function.
3. normalizer_new() : To make the data with zero mean and stddev = 1 .
There are many different ways to preprocess the data but I found that mean centred with standard deviation of 1 is the one of good choice to normalize the data . I used all the color channels. By using the normalizer_new() function I get the desired result . Then I concat the distorted training data with original training data. Then I shuffled all the training data using scikit-learn's shuffle() function.
I used a model architecture :
* Here I used a self defined model .It is six networks deep .
* It consists of 3 convolution layer and 3 fully connected layer .
* The last layer is of 43 neurons to classify 43 classes.
* In every convolutional layer I used a maxpooling of 2*2 with stride = 1.
* At third convolutional layer I added dropout of 40% which kept the model from being overfitted.
* Then I flattened the layer with tf.contrib.layers.flatten() function .
* Then I used softmax probability to find out the probabilities of each classes.
* The index with highest probability gives the class number .
| fully connected layer [43] |
| fully connected layer[120] |
| fully connected layer [400] |
| dropout[0.4] |
| max_pool[2x2/1][valid] |
| convolution[5x5x256/1][valid] |
| max_pool[2x2/1][valid] |
| convolution[5x5x128/1][valid] |
| max_pool[2x2/1][valid] |
| convolution[3x3x32/1][valid] |
| input[32x32x3] |
I created three placeholder varibles x (num_of_imageheightwidth*3) and y (num. of images) and y_one_hot to encode y as one hot encoded. The softmax_prob,model_prediction and actual_value variables would be used later to evaluate the softmax probabilities, prediction by the model and its actual values respectively on the new test images.
Here I used the cross entropy function to measure the loss . And our optimization technique always tries to minimize the cross entropy to zero . Here we use tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits() function to evaluate the cross entropy .
To optimize the cost function I used AdamOptimizer. Throughout all the training I used a learning_rate = 0.001
This gives a clear idea of what the model's predition performance .
Here are the results of the prediction:
Image | Prediction |
Road Work | Road Work |
Turn right ahead | Turn right ahead |
Yield | Yield |
No Entry | Stop sign |
Priority Road | General caution |
The model was able to correctly guess 3 of the 5 traffic signs, which gives an accuracy of 60%. This compares fair to the accuracy on the test set of 93.8% .
The model is perfectly sure that this is a Road work sign (probability of 0.9999), and the image does contain a Road work sign. The top five soft max probabilities were
Prediction | Probability |
Road work | 9.999995e-01 |
Slippery road | 5.349513e-07 |
Bicycles crossing | 4.380856e-09 |
Beware of ice/snow | 3.452387e-09 |
Go straight or right | 1.411123e-09 |
The model is relatively sure that this is a Speed limit (30km/h) sign (probability of 0.99), and the image does contain a Turn Right Ahead sign. But as there is no image with the top five predictions it used next probability in the softmax layer to identify it's as a Turn Right Ahead image .The top five soft max probabilities were...
Prediction | Probability |
Speed limit (30km/h) | 0.990222 |
Yield | 0.004425 |
Turn left ahead | 0.002943 |
Ahead only | 0.001359 |
Roundabout mandatory | 0.000925 |
The model is absolutely sure that this is a yield sign (probability of 1.0), and the image does contain a yield sign. The top five soft max probabilities were
Prediction | Probability |
Yield | 1.000000e+00 |
No passing for vehicles over 3.5 metric tons | 1.748955e-12 |
Turn left ahead | 4.124270e-15 |
End of no passing by vehicles over 3.5 metric ... | 1.451681e-15 |
Keep right | 7.540276e-17 |
The model is relatively sure that this is a Go straight or left sign (probability of 0.6), and the image does contain a Priority Road sign. The top five soft max probabilities were
Prediction | Probability |
Go straight or left | 0.541098 |
General caution | 0.429022 |
Traffic signals | 0.024712 |
Wild animals crossing | 0.005072 |
Road work | 0.000087 |
The model is relatively sure that this is a Stop sign (probability of 0.62), and the image does contain a No Entry sign. The top five soft max probabilities were
Prediction | Probability |
Stop | 6.232601e-01 |
No passing for vehicles over 3.5 metric tons | 2.725155e-01 |
Yield | 1.042178e-01 |
Speed limit (80km/h) | 6.453646e-06 |
Beware of ice/snow | 4.445295e-08 |
From the above prediction we can realize that for Road Work (label = 25) and for yield(label = 13) the number of examples in these classes is much higher, nearabout 2500,3800 respectively in augmented training set . And it is the case for deep network . With higher training data comes great accuracy .
Here we plot the first convolutional layer with relu activation with the help of given OutputFeatureMap() function . A 33 filter of depth 32 is applied . We can see the 32 different outputs when a 33 filter with stride 1 is applied to road work sign image . Here the weights are random truncated numbers with normal distribution. The weights initialization is a in depth research topic .
The next levels are much more difficult to understand for it's higher dimensionality hence omitted.