Arduino & Raspberry pi "IOT Smart-home" project, based on the Arduino MKR family.
The main java application is a Java 17 Spring Boot application that runs on a Raspberry 4 8gb connected to my home-network. The application provides a REST api for the IOT-devices to routinely post new readings to, and to get readings from. All readings are recorded into a local PostgreSQL 13 database running on the Raspberry pi.
Per now the logged data is not used for much, except for some machine learning side-projects. However, the goal will eventually be for there to be a web portal/GUI where information from the system can be neatly displayed and retrieved, in addition to being able to manage the system and individual devices.
- Raspberry Pi 4 running Java 17 and PostgreSQL 13
- Arduino MKR 1000 WiFi running two ds18b20 temperature sensors (Indoor/Outdoor)
- Arduino MKR 1010 WiFi running a MKR ENV Shield Rev 2 (Indoor)
- Indoor/Outdoor thermometers
- Temperature Database
- Indoor environmental reader
- Environmental Database
- Cool web portal
- Display cool statistics
- More devices/sensors / update DB and API accordingly
- Update arduino software to be "smarter" (react to different http responses and act accordingly, offline storage, etc...)
"ID": 241,
"TIME_STAMP": "Aug 4, 2022, 5:31:44 PM",
"INDOORTEMP": 24.25,
"ID": 11,
"TIMESTAMP": "Jan 14, 2023, 1:42:52 PM",
"HUMIDITY": 34.01,
"PRESSURE": 99.03,
"LUX": 15.48,
"UVA": 0.0,
"UVB": 0.0,
"UVI": 0.0
note: Beware that all UV data is 0 since this reader is indoors