- I can tell the OS which task I am doing now.
- I can start and stop working on a task
- I can pause or finish a task when stopping
- When pausing, you are actually yielding execution of the current task
- When I yield, the OS tells me the next task I should work on
- I can schedule new tasks to be put to the tasks queue at any time
- When prompted to start working on the next task, I can choose to skip it
- I can see the details of the next/ongoing task in a panel
- When working on a task, I can log the work done in a journal
- I can use enter to schedule new tasks or save worklog to journal
- I can drop a task when prompted to start working on it
- When restarting the browser, I want to keep working where I left
- I can use the app as a chrome-extension
- I can automatically open the chrome popup using a shortkey
- I can create a new job using only the keyboard
- I can start working on a job using only the keyboard
- I can yield an active job using only the keyboard
- I can skip a job using only the keyboard
- I can drop a job using only the keyboard
- I can finish an active job using only the keyboard
- I am hinted about the hotkeys available when in doubt
- I can edit a worklog entry just by clicking on it
- I can delete a worklog entry
- I can start an authenticated session in any machine and continue later in any another machine
- I can edit the title of an existing job
- I can see how much time I have been working on a job every day in a graph
- I can Install the app as a native Android app (PWA)
- I can easily see the version of the app in the UI
- I can write multiple lines using ctrl+enter
- I can write using Markdown syntax
- I can pause a job and continue with it later
- I can export a job in a JSON format