ZF2 Simple module modal
Created for Testapic
This module is a Zend Framework 2 module to generate some simple and custom modals.
- ZF2 Version 2.3.4
- Semantic UI 1.8.1
You have to put Semantic UI at "/public/css/" and don't forget to set your css framwork link.
If you want to include a css framwork
- Controller The modal variable contains the data to generate modal view.
Override Mode Mandatory : confirmAction
$modal = array(
"id" => "Something",
'url_redir' => $this->getRequest()->getUri()->getPath(),
'url_confirm' => 'PATH_OF_CONFIRM_VIEW',
'title' => "Title",
'flash' => array("Sentence 1"),
'content' => "Display something",
'btn' => array("confirm" => "Ok", "noconfirm" => "Fermer"),
Custom Mode Mandatory : infoAction, confirmAction
$modal = array(
"id" => "Something",
'url_redir' => $this->getRequest()->getUri()->getPath(),
'url_info' => 'PATH_OF_INFO_VIEW',
'url_confirm' => 'PATH_OF_CONFIRM_VIEW',
<a href="#" class="smodal" data-modal='<?= $this->modallink(array("id" => 1), $this->modal) ?>'>
Display modal
- infoAction If 'url_info' isn't set, '/ui/modal/info' will be called by defaut.
- Generate a modal
public function infoAction() {
$modal = new ModalController($this, 'PATH_OF_INFO_VIEW');
$data = array(); // Data ready to be used in infoAction variable named $page
return $modal->render();
- View of action infoAction (info.phtml)
$page = (object) $this->layout()->child_page;
<?= $this->translate("Souhaîtez-vous vraiment effectuer cette action sur l'élement ?"); ?>
- confirmAction If 'url_confirm' isn't set, '/ui/modal/confirm' will be called by default.
- Generate a modal
public function confirmAction() {
$modal = new ModalController($this, 'PATH_OF_CONFIRM_VIEW');
$modal->setFlashMessenger("L'action a bien été éffectuée");
// Add some queries
return $modal->render();
- View of action infoAction (info.phtml)
$page = (object) $this->layout()->child_page;
<div class="ui grid">
<div class="column">
<div class="ui red large message">
<?php echo $this->translate($page->string); ?>