Horn formulas are a specific subset of propositional logic formulas where a formula is a conjunction of horn clauses. A horn clause is an implication in which the left side is a conjunction of atoms, and the right side is a single atom.
An example for a Horn Formula is:
This SAT solver takes a horn formula of arbitrary size as input and determines its satisfiability with linear time complexity. If the formula is satisfiable, a satisfying configuration is provided.
Each horn clause of the horn formula to be tested for satisfiability must be given on a new line and can contain the following symbols:
logical symbol | equivalent encoding |
1 | |
0 | |
& | |
-> |
To improve readability, the conjuncts can be grouped using parentheses.
In this example, the formula introduced earlier is encoded using the symbols understood by the SAT solver:
a & (b & c) -> d
b & d & 1 -> a
c -> 0
The SAT solver's output is:
Verdict: SAT
e.g. (a: false, b: false, c: false, d: false, ⊥: false, ⊤: true)