Path::AttrRouter - Path router for URLs using the attributes
package MyController;
use parent 'Path::AttrRouter::Controller';
sub index :Path { }
sub index2 :Path :Args(2) { }
sub index1 :Path :Args(1) { }
sub index3 :Path :Args(3) { }
package MyController::Args;
use parent 'Path::AttrRouter::Controller';
sub index :Path :Args(1) {
my ($self, $arg) = @_;
package MyController::Regex;
use parent 'Path::AttrRouter::Controller';
sub index :Regex('^regex/(\d+)/(.+)') {
my ($self, @captures) = @_;
package main;
use Path::AttrRouter;
my $router = Path::AttrRouter->new( search_path => 'MyController' );
my $m = $router->match('/args/hoge');
print $m->action->name, "\n"; # => 'index'
print $m->action->namespace, "\n"; # => 'args'
print $m->args->[0], "\n"; # hoge
Path::AttrRouter is a router class specifying definitions by attributes.
This is mainly used for method dispatching in web application frameworks.
search_path :Str(required)
Base package namespace of your controller
action_class :Str(default: Path::AttrRouter::Action)
action_cache :Str(optional)
path if using action cachingThe action cache is aimed at impermanent environment, e.g. CGI or development.
Returns single action object of $router->action_class
Returns action objects of array which is bunch of actions
Make action cache
Returns Path::AttrRouter::Match
> object
Draw dispatching table.
Daisuke Murase
Copyright (c) 2009 by KAYAC Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.