this portfolio is powered by vite, deployed via github pages, and utilizes html, css, javascript, and react.
install the necessary packages: npm i
create a .env
file and fill out the following:
- to start:
npm start
- to update gh-pages:
yarn deploy
toro inoue world domination! featuring a design like a game console and many toro inoues.
the usual college introduction that's like name, year, major and a short blurb about my professional and personal interests. you also get to check out my very good music taste and see how you can contact me.
for coding projects, feel free to looked at the repos on my github. for ui projects, check them out in my website!
for the art i've created over the years (spoiler: i do not create that many).
not an actual page, but links to my most recently updated resume! for those who want to stalk my gpa and know what i've been up to academically and extracurricularly.
aka (some of) my future plan(s) for this site. i've whittled away most of my ideas and now i have but a dream...
- website themes (in the far future when i become a real pro, for example toro inoue is one theme, and another theme could be y2k)
- most toro inoue images come from the official source, some may be redrawn by me
- icons come from flaticon and are recolored by me (some may also be slightly edited)
- everything else is created by me
thank you to all the kind people who developed these packages! this website couldn't have been made without you <3
for the chipsaos
for scroll animationsmasonry-layout
for the galleryloadable-image
for lazy loading imagesprettier
for making the code prettier
helpful websites that i used!
- icons
- calculating aspect ratios for lazy loading
- shrinking image sizes
if you have any feedback about anything about this repo or site, please let me know! whether that's ways i can optimize the code, git gud at design, or include better content. i am open to any constructive criticism that lets me improve :3
maybe when i have time i'll include an anonymous feedback form on the site lol.