This is a port of Angular's UI-Mask to Aurelia.
Apply a mask on an input field so the user can only type pre-determined pattern.
- aurelia
jspm install aurelia-mask=github:ariovistus/aurelia-mask
npm install aurelia-mask
in your template:
<input masked="value.bind: myvalue; mask.bind: mymask" />
be sure to include the necessary require in the template:
<require from="aurelia-mask/masked-input"></require>
or register it globally:
If you have 1.2 or later (and aren't using webpack) you can just reference the package:
<require from="aurelia-mask"></require>
may need to be this if you're using npm:
- do not apply a value binding to the input, that will interfere with the plumbing
<!-- bad! -->
<input masked="..." value.bind="myvalue" />
- mask has the same format as default ui-mask
- 9 → number
- a → alpha
- * → number or alpha
Seamless two way binding causes issues. If you need to change the model value from code, you can do the following:
<input masked="..." masked.ref="masker" />
and in your view model
the default placeholder char is '_'. You can override it.
<input masked="value.bind: myvalue; mask: (999) 999-9999; placeholder: *" />
mask | ui value | model value |
(999) 999-9999 | (***) ***-**** | '' |
special case for space:
<input masked="value.bind: myvalue; mask: 99/99; placeholder: space" />
mask | ui value | model value |
(999) 999-9999 | '( ) - ' | '' |
by default, any punctuation characters are stripped out of the value, e.g:
mask | ui value | model value |
(999) 999-9999 | (800) 888-8888 | 8008888888 |
you can override this:
<input masked="value.bind: myvalue; mask: (999) 999-9999; bind-masking: true" />
mask | ui value | model value |
(999) 999-9999 | (800) 888-8888 | (800) 888-8888 |
don't know what to call this, but sometimes you want a more relaxed mode where you can enter characters at any position, not just the start
<input masked="value.bind: myvalue; mask: (999) 999-9999; aspnet-masking: true;" />
mask | ui value | model value |
/999/999/9999/ | /__0/_8_/8888/ | /__0/_8_/8888/ |
The masker object exposes a function to strip off the placeholder characters:
var masker = getMasker({maskFormat: "/999/999/9999/", aspnetMasking: true})
var result = masker.stripPlaceholders("/__0/_8_/8888/");
not that that's hard to do yourself. have yet to figure out how to incorporate it in the binding.
by default it is insert. You can also specify overtype mode.
<input masked="value.bind: myvalue; mask: (999) 999-9999; edit-mode: overtype" />
Currently only works with aspnet mode.
you can specify a callback on change:
<input masked="value.bind: myvalue; mask: 9; onChange()" />
- don't use change.trigger on the input
- don't use BindingEngine on myvalue