Author : Arijit Banerjee
About : Full Stack Web Developer | Cyber Security Enthusiast | Actor
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For a Live Demo, check : (Live Demo link will be updated here soon!)
: MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS)
Technologies Used
: NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express-Validator, BcryptJS, JSONWebToken (JWT), Config etc.
: REST Api, CRUD, User Registration, Log In, Authentication, JWT Token, PRIVATE and PUBLIC Routes, Create, Read, Update Delete contacts based on Users, Unique Contacts based on Email & Phone per User.
: Contacts are stored in a way that two different users can save contact which has same Email and/or Phone Number. But, Same user cannot have multiple contacts with same Email/Phone. The Email and/or Phone Number is unique for individual user's own contacts.
This is a Self Project, made on MERN Stack. After going through basics of MERN I needed some kind of full project to work on and gather some experience on Full Stack MERN Development on my own. So I decided to make a Contact App.
This is a Web App just like Google Contacts, where users can Sign Up, and Create and Store their contacts.
This is the Backend of the whole project. I might upload the Frontend later.
If you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave the suggestions. Constructive Criticism is always appreciated.
NOTE: This is a demo project. There can be a lot of more features and functionalities that could be added with this.
- To setup this project, clone it and run npm install.
- Create a file named .env in the root.
- Add the following two Env Variables to be used in the app :
- mongodbURI
- jwtSecret
- Set up the values of the two fields with your own mongoDB connection uri and your own JWT Secret Key.