I am a software engineer and well-qualified full-stack web developer with more than 5 years of working experience with React, Django, Machine Learning, Python, and JavaScript, and familiar with various programming utilities and languages. I am experienced with building AI models or Machine learning algorithms to make proper decisions & integrate into the web or build API. Handles any part of the process with ease. Version controlling, Developing, shipping, and running applications. I have a passion for developing innovative programs that accelerate efficiency and effectiveness for organizational success. Proficient in technology and writing code to build reliable, reusable, and user-friendly systems. A skilled leader with a proven ability to motivate, educate, and manage a team of professionals to develop software programs and effectively track changes. Confident communicator, strategic thinker, and innovative creator to develop software that is customized to meet a company's organizational needs, highlight its core competencies, and drive its success. Collaborative team player with excellent technical abilities offering More than 4 years of related experience. I always love to learn.
My Node Packages list (npm) :
- local-datetime-allstate
- airport-iata-codes
- airline-iata-code
- filter-country-dial-code-flag
- country-currency-list
- React Perfect Paginate
Small project list :
- Tic Tac Toe Game Web - 2024
- Sudoku Game Web - 2024
- Weather Forecast Bangladesh - 2024
- AI Assistant (Code Private) - 2023
- Profile - Black Bee - Reactjs - 2023
- Profile - White Snow - Reactjs - 2023
- Profile - Blue Sky - Reactjs - 2023
- Profile - Grey Worm - Reactjs - 2023
- Donate IT Civil - React - Django-rest-framework 2023
- Flyease - React-django-rest-framework ( 2022-2023 )
- Email Sending System - Node - 2023
- Mastermind - React- React-django-rest-framework ( 2022-2023 )
- Crypto Bot - React- ( 2021-2022 )
- Crypto-Currency-Single-Page - React - 2022
- Responsive Hexa shape - React - 2021
- Fake News Detection - Machine Learning - Crawling - Django - HTML, CSS, Javascript -2021
- Rock Paper Scissor Game - React - 2021
- Digital Clock Page - 2021
- React Login Page - 2021
- React Todo App - 2021
- Phishing Website Detection - Machine Learning - Django - HTML, CSS, Javascript -2020
- Phishing Website Detection- static site - 2020
- QR Code Generator - Vanilla Javascript -2019
- Proposal Form - Vanilla Javascript - Laravel -2019
- Mr Xpert - Reactjs - 2022
- U Food - HTML, CSS, Laravel - 2021
- Class-and-Food-project-using-php - HTML, CSS, PHP - 2020
- Insurance - PHP -2019
- Analogue Wall Clock - Vanilla Javascript -2019
- calculator - Vanila-js -2019
- Password Generator - Vanilla Javascript -2019
- Multi Pass Generator and download - Vanilla Javascript -2019
- Simple responsive site - 2019
- Multiform - Vanilla Javascript -2018
- Image Hover Effact -Vanilla Javascript -2018
- Simple HTML Carousel -Vanilla Javascript -2018
- myimmsvis.com - 2023
- Startech-website-crawling-using-Scrapy -2021
- Coin Market Cap Crawl Using BeautifulSoup (private) -2021
Web-Technology: HTML / CSS / Javascript / TypeScript / React / Vite / Node / Express / Django REST framework / PHP / Laravel /
CSS Framework : Bootstrap / TailwindCSS /
Database : MongoDB / MySQL / Postgresql / SQLite /
Http Client : Axios / Fetch / Apollo-client /
Artificial Intelligence : Machine Learning / Deep Learning / Neural Network /
API : XML API/ REST API / Django-GraphQL /
OS : Windows / Debian GNU /
Other's : Slack / Docker / Postman / Swagger / WSL2 / gunicorn / Nginx / nvm / Redis /
- 🔭 I’m currently working at Silicornya
- 🌱 I’m currently working on a project using ( React + Django REST framework )
- Next => socket.io / WebRTC / scala / cron job / kafka
i have experience working with these editor
- Notepad++
- Visual Studio Code
- Sublime Tex
- Atom
- NetBeans
- IntelliJ IDEA
- PyCharm
- WebStorm
- PhpStorm