🕹 Available commands:
* /me: Gets the user presentation.
* /kickinactives: Removes all inactive users from group in a time period. Usage: /kickinactives <days>
* /setwelcome: Saves a new welcome message. Usage: /setwelcome <text>
* /setlang: Sets the language. Usage: /setlang <lang> (en: english, es: spanish)
* /start: Shows command usage.
* /welcome: Shows the welcome message.
* /stats: Shows user stats
* /inactives: Returns the list of inactive users in days period. Usage: /inactives <days>
* /setme: Sets the user presentation. Usage: /setme <text> adding a photo
* /help: Shows command usage.
: Required. Telegram API token provided by BotFather.SENTRY_DSN
: Optional. Sentry notification endpoint to catch exceptions.DEBUG_JSON
: Optional. JSON memory repository to load.
$ TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN=xxxx SENTRY_DSN=xxxx go run main.go
The .env
file needs to contain the mentioned environment variables.
$ docker run --env-file .env ariel17/golang-telegram-group-manager:latest
Using terraform:
$ cd deployments
$ terraform apply