Link to lidar workspaces which contains slam algorithms
Create the
file in MicroPython, which essentially connects to the Wi-Fi network.
Create the server in MicroPython, which will accept the data sent to it.
Define the host and port for your server.
Make a socket connection using:
socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
Bind the socket to listen to the host and port.
Listen for one connection at a time using:
Make a loop in which you wait for a connection:
while True:
client_socket, client_address = server.accept()
data = client_socket.recv(1024)
print(f"data: {data.decode('utf-8')}")
This guide provides an overview of some basic commands used in ROS/Ubuntu projects. Note that advanced procedures such as adding Gazebo or modifying launch files are not covered here. This guide aims to help you get started.
sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
Purpose: Disable swapping temporarily.
Description: Stops the swapping process, allowing for changes to the swap file configuration. -
sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
Purpose: Edit the swap file configuration.
Description: Opens the swap file configuration file in the Nano text editor, allowing you to modify parameters such as swap size. -
Make changes to
and pressctrl+x
Purpose: Adjust swap file size.
Description: Modify theCONF_SWAPSIZE
parameter to set the desired swap size, then save the changes and exit Nano. -
sudo dphys-swapfile setup
Purpose: Apply the new swap file configuration.
Description: Configures the system with the updated swap file settings. -
sudo dphys-swapfile swapon
Purpose: Enable swapping with the new configuration.
Description: Activates swapping using the modified swap file settings.
cd /home/ubuntu
Purpose: Change directory to the home folder.
Description: Navigates to the home directory to create a new catkin workspace. -
mkdir catkin_ws
Purpose: Create a new catkin workspace.
Description: Creates a directory namedcatkin_ws
to serve as a workspace for ROS packages. -
Purpose: Initialize the catkin workspace.
Description: Initializes the newly createdcatkin_ws
as a ROS catkin workspace. -
git clone [repo for rplidar]
Purpose: Clone the repository for RPLidar.
Description: Retrieves the RPLidar ROS package from the specified Git repository. -
Purpose: Build the ROS packages.
Description: Compiles the ROS packages in the catkin workspace. -
source devel/setup.bash
Purpose: Source the workspace setup file.
Description: Sets up the ROS environment for the current terminal session. -
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
Purpose: Change permissions for USB device.
Description: Grants read and write permissions to/dev/ttyUSB0
to allow communication with the RPLidar sensor. -
killall -9 roscore
Purpose: Terminate the running ROS core.
Description: Stops the currently running ROS core. -
Purpose: Start a new ROS core.
Description: Initiates a new ROS core to serve as the communication backbone. -
roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar.launch
Purpose: Launch RPLidar ROS node.
Description: Starts the RPLidar ROS node with the specified launch file. -
After running it, check for errors...
Purpose: Diagnose common errors during RPLidar setup.
Description: Inspects for errors such as "operation timed out" or "scan not started," usually caused by incorrect wiring. Recheck and reconnect if necessary.
cd /home/ubuntu/custom_workspace
Purpose: Change directory to a custom workspace.
Description: Navigates to a custom workspace for creating a new ROS package. -
catkin_create_pkg custom_package rospy
Purpose: Create a new ROS package.
Description: Generates a new ROS package namedcustom_package
as a dependency. -
cd scripts
Purpose: Change directory to the scripts folder.
Description: Navigates to the scripts folder within the newly created package. -
Create and edit Python scripts
Purpose: Develop custom ROS nodes.
scripts, adds code to them, and makes them executable usingchmod +x
. -
Purpose: Build the ROS packages.
Description: Compiles the ROS packages in the custom workspace. -
source devel/setup.bash
Purpose: Source the workspace setup file.
Description: Sets up the ROS environment for the current terminal session. -
rosrun custom_package
Purpose: Run the custom Publisher node.
Description: Executes the custom Python script that acts as a ROS Publisher node. -
rosrun custom_package
Purpose: Run the custom Subscriber node.
Description: Executes the custom Python script that acts as a ROS Subscriber node.
rostopic list
Purpose: List active ROS topics.
Description: Displays a list of currently active ROS topics. -
rostopic echo /scan
or any other topicPurpose: Monitor topic messages.
Description: Prints the messages published on the specified ROS topic (e.g.,/scan
If doing Hector SLAM...
Purpose: Run Hector SLAM after RPLidar setup.
Commands:Description: Initiates Hector SLAM launch file for mapping and visualization.roslaunch hector_slam_ros tutorial.launch rostopic echo /map or /mapupdates
If running Gmapping...
Purpose: Run Gmapping algorithm.
Commands:Description: Launches Gmapping SLAM algorithm for mapping using TurtleBot3. Change the model usingroslaunch turtlebot3_slam turtlebot3_slam.launch slam_methods:=gmapping
export model=wafflepi
or any other before running the algorithm or add your model here.
rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/name
Purpose: Save the generated map.
Description: Utilizes themap_server
tool to save the generated map with the specified filename (e.g.,~/name
- Move to the directory
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch astar_search algorithm_visualization.launch
After running, the results are given as: