Tools for TTRPG Game Masters.
pipenv install
??? - jsonschema is required at least, so some kind of install is necessary.
To run the entire toolkit, you need only run the package from the root directory of the repository:
game-master-toolkit % python3.9 -m game_master_toolkit
pipenv install --dev
pipenv run pre-commit install -t pre-commit pipenv run pre-commit install -t pre-push
This repository was created using Python 3.9.16, and using pipenv to manage packages. It uses Black and isort to standardize formatting and imports, and Flake8 for linting. The Best Practices Tutorial on Sourcery was followed for the majority of basic setup.
To set up pre-commit hooks, please run pre-commit install
in this repository after installing modules.
To run:
- tests without coverage report:
pipenv run pytest
- tests with coverage report:
pipenv run pytest --cov --cov-fail-under=100
- Black:
pipenv run black
- isort:
pipenv run isort
- flake8:
pipenv run flake8