- read TOC from physical CD
- read TOC from DiscID
- calculate FreeDB CD indentifier
- calculate AccurateRip CD identifiers
- calculate AccurateRip checksums of ripped files (WAV and FLAC)
- fetch AccurateRip results from database
- parse AccurateRip binary data format
- compare database checksums with file checksums
- Audio CD support
- Enhanced CD support
- README.md (with acknowledgements)
- proper Python package (pip-installable, with wheels)
- show copy CRC of ripped files in results
- parser for cached AccurateRip response binary files
- full FLAC support (audio file properties + CRC calculation)
- Mixed Mode CD support
- warn if lengths of ripped tracks don't match CD TOC
- calculate copy CRC without zero samples ("skip silence" CRC)
- create log file with results
- offset detection
- write-up of all I learned about CDs and AccurateRip