Open Terminal (cmd) cd YourProjectFolderName Enter: npm install
Now, Search Mongo Atlas on Google and create an account. Once you are logged in there follow these steps: 1. Go to Database access and set up your Database username and password. 2. Go to Network access and type or Allow access from anywhere and click confirm. 3. Go to Database under Depolyment tab, Click connect --> Connect your application ---> copy the Address.
4. Go to app.js in your Backend folder, and paste this link in mongoose.connect('');
*make sure to replace the '<password>' with your Database password.
1. Create a .env file inside backend folder, and write your Secret Key as SECRET_KEY = write any thing you want for eg: 1. Create .env file 2. Type SECRET_KEY = This is a dummy text 3. Save .env 2. Type node server.js on your terminal to run backend.
Open Terminal (cmd) cd YourProjectFolderName 1. Enter: npm install 2. Enter: npm start
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