这是我的 vimrc,备份及分享于 GitHub。请感觉自由去拷贝它。
Backup your setting first, and then run
(No need for this now, .vim and .vimrc are automaticly backed up with the INSTALL script but you can do it yourself)
curl -L https://github.com/aptx4869/vimsettings/raw/master/INSTALL.sh | sh
I am useing a little bit strang Dvorak keyboard, so you should modify the keybindings to suit yourself.
- bufexplorer
- colorizer
- ctrlp
- echofunc
- fcitx
- git-vim
- google-translator
- LaTeX_Suite
- matchit
- neocomplcache
- NERD_Commenter
- NERD_tree
- qiushibaike
- solarized
- supertab
- surround
- syntastic
- taglist
- TeTrIs
- vim-easymotion
- vim-javascript
- vim-less
- vim-powerline
- vim-rails
- vimwiki
- XPTemplate
- zencoding
- plugin settings plugin settings are located in .vim/etc folder ... to be continue