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Releases: aprokopenko/justcustomfields

WordPress 5.5 compatibility

14 Aug 12:50
Choose a tag to compare

Added jquery migrate to script dependency to support WordPress 5.5.

Fix shortcodes and Gutenberg small patches

15 Feb 14:16
Choose a tag to compare
  • Bug: Simplemedia shortcode does not display a link if it's not an image.
  • Hotfix: Disabled Textarea editors inside collections for WordPress 5+, because tinyMCE is not working there.
  • Note: Added a note that visibility rules are not working with a Gutenberg plugin.

Taxonomy Fields!

27 Apr 14:22
Choose a tag to compare
* New feature: Taxonomy term custom fields!
* Bug: Editor "Add media" button row overlap the Posts sidebar
* Bug: Theme config path hook doesn't work inside migration process.
* Tests: New tests with WordPress 4.7.4