Digital ID and e-KYC are greatly simplified by using SingPass and MyInfo, allowing such use cases as:
- On-boarding of new customers
- Authentication of customers
- Digital authorisations and signatures
This set of tools is prepared to integrate SingPass easier.
openssl genpkey -algorithm EC -out ecPrivKey.pem \
-pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:P-256 \
-pkeyopt ec_param_enc:named_curve
SingPass application works only for Singaporean citizens and PR.
npm install ap-singpass-helpers
Create a unique, and non-guessable values for nonce/state, base64-encoded.
Payload receied from SingPass BO server could be verified using verifyPayload method.
NRIC information is a sensitive one, so helper is provided to mask NRIC, by using maskNRIC function.
const singpassHelper = require('ap-singpass-helpers')
const pubKey = `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`
const jwk = await getPubKeyFromPEM(pubKey)
// creates nonce, max 255 characters, alphanumeric
const nonce = singpassHelper.createNonce()
// creates state, max 255 characters, base64 encoded
const state = singpassHelper.createState()
const payload = await singpassHelper.verifyPayload(
'payload to verify',
'validUrlToFetchJWKS keys from',
) // return verified payload
const NRIC = 'S3000941Z'
const data = singpassHelper.maskNRIC(NRIC) // data equals '****0941Z' now
Aprimerose Pte Ltd, Singapore