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Releases: approvals/ApprovalTests.Python

Verify file checks extensions

10 Oct 17:24
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Breaking Change

verify_file("sample.xml") will produce an approval file with an .xml extension

verify_file("sample.xml",options=Options().for_file.with_extension(".json")) will produce an approval file with an .json extension

Report to DiffEngineTray

22 Sep 23:37
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19 Sep 17:58
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verify_as_json can now take an optional parameter deserialize_json_fields which if True will produce nicer formatted output.

    "type": "dictionary",
    "value": "{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 3}"


    "type": "dictionary",
    "value": {
        "a": 1,
        "b": 2,
        "c": 3

Create Regex Scrubber

22 Aug 17:46
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Create regex scrubber

Renamed scrub_with_regex to create_regex_scrubber.
It can now take either a str or a Callable[[int], str]

Going forward, functions that return scrubber will start with create while functions that scrub directly will start with scrub


18 Jul 17:59
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Why Use Storyboards

Sometimes we might want to see different steps in a workflow or lifetime of an object. Storyboards are a convenience object to help enable that.

Approvaltests allows us to look at a complete object instead of just pieces of it. Storyboards allow us to track an object through time.

The mechanism to map time to space that storyboards use is very analogous to a comic book, but with each frame vertically after each other so that it works well with the diff tool and shows a progression.

How To Use Storyboards

Here is example of creating story board, adding content to it, and verifying it.

story = Storyboard()
story.add_description("Spinning wheel")

will produce

Spinning wheel


Frame #1:

Fixed Major bug with unix and python3.8 and above

27 Jun 18:13
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A bug with the namer was introduced which is now fixed. No other changes

Standardized line endings at end of files

13 Jun 17:06
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v 1.0.0

Verify(text) ensures a newline at the file

Since most tools will ensure a newline at the end of a file, approval test is now
adding this to allow copying approval results in diff tools to work correctly.
Please note that this will break all you previous approvals that do not end with
a newline!

This will show by your diff tool opening with two files that look identical, but
one actually has a newline at the end.

Upgrade Path

We suggest you use ReporterByCopyMoveCommandForEverythingToClipboard() as your Default Reporter to re-approve all your files.

Namer handles multiple nested methods in a unit test

Previously if you had nested methods in your unit test, the names would incorrectly
identify the help method rather than the test method. This is now fixed.

Options with file extension

23 May 17:44
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You can now set the approval file extensions via options:

Date scrubbers and verify(Any)

16 May 17:28
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Date scrubbers are quite basic and only work with json-fied datetimes
Verify now converts its input to string before verifying


09 May 17:41
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You can now scrub your approval files