- What can it be used for?
- Documentation
- Getting started
- How to get it
- Podcasts
- Examples
- Approved File Artifacts
- More Info
- Developer notes
Capturing Human Intelligence - ApprovalTests is an open source assertion/verification library to aid unit testing.
It is compatible with JUnit 3, 4 & 5 and TestNG.
The jars can be used from JDK 1.8 on up until JDK 18.
Approval Tests can be used for verifying objects that require more than a simple assert. They also come prepackaged with utilities for some common java scenarios including
HashMaps & Collections
Long Strings
Log Files
Getting Legacy Code under tests
Want to see more? Check out Better Testing with Approvals
If there is documentation you wish existed, please add a page request
to this issue.
The best way to get started is download and open one of the starter projects:
These are standard projects and can be imported into any editor or IDE.
They also all have CI with Github actions.
You might also want to check out the Getting Started Overview
A great way to learn Approval Tests if you are new to it is to try out the Koans.
It's on Maven Central, search for 'approvaltests'.
If you're using Maven, add this to your pom file:
dependencies {
or download the jars from maven central repository
You can watch a bunch of short videos on getting started and using ApprovalTests in Java at youtube.
Note: There are a lot of videos about ApprovalTests in .Net They are equally useful for understanding the concepts despite being in a different programming language.
If you prefer auditory learning, you might enjoy the following podcast (Note: Some of these talk about the .net side)
ApprovalTests eats it own dogfood, so the best examples are in the source code itself.
None the less, Here's a quick look
public class SampleArrayTest
public void testList()
String[] names = {"Llewellyn", "James", "Dan", "Jason", "Katrina"};
Approvals.verifyAll("", names);
Will Produce a File SampleArrayTest.testList.received.txt
[0] = Dan
[1] = James
[2] = Jason
[3] = Katrina
[4] = Llewellyn
Simply rename this to SampleTest.testList.approved.txt and the test will now pass.
The *.approved.*
files must be checked into source your source control.
This can be an issue with git as it will change the line endings.
The suggested fix is to add
*.approved.* binary
to your .gitattributes
Approval Tests follows the no checked exceptions" philosophy. That is, our API only throws runtime exceptions.
twitter: @LlewellynFalco or #ApprovalTests
The suggested way to contribute to ApprovalTests is to pair with Llewellyn
However, if you are set on forking please read these notes