Repo contains currently only one bash script (should run in Windows in git bash shell) to extract log entries specific to a session or customer number.
USAGE: bash scripts/ <Logs-root-dir> any:<string>|sess:<Session-ID> <Date>
expects it to be run from the root of this folder.- Date has to be specified as one of the input params, since it avoids searching all files and there could be 1000s of them.
Example script usages:
scripts/ any:74D958E9-D682-49AB-BF7E-3F1943EA53BC 20220126
scripts/ sess:ZIk5xwdgdR 20220220
scripts/ "any: some other string with spaces" 20220215
- Customer number based search for session works only if there are records with customer number in header.
- Allow any string to be searched in the log record header to get session ID
- If the session log records spills-over to the next date (from the input date), they have to be included.
- Create a separate script to check for new log errors since the last code version.
- This will be useful in getting a catalog of existing errors.
- By comparing with existing errors, we can check if new errors are introduced in latest software release.
- One can also know if any of the older errors are fixed in latest software release.
- How can we build it as a extension to VS-Code to be used by developers?