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File metadata and controls

186 lines (136 loc) · 6.14 KB

Django starter styled with Django Admin Corporate PRO, a premium Boostrap 5 design from Creative-Tim The product is designed to deliver the best possible user experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages.

👉 NOTE: This product requires a License in order to access the theme:

Private REPO: git+


  • UI Kit: Corporate Dashboard PRO v1.0.0 by Creative-Tim
  • Django Corporate PRO - sample project
  • Sections Covered:
    • Admin Section, reserved for superusers
    • All pages managed by Django.contrib.AUTH
    • Registration page
    • Misc pages: colors, icons, typography, blank-page

Django Corporate Dashboard

Why Django Admin Corporate PRO

  • Modern Bootstrap 5 Design
  • Responsive Interface
  • Minimal Template overriding
  • Easy integration

Designed for those who like bold elements and beautiful websites. Made of hundred of elements, designed blocks, and fully coded pages, Corporate Dashboard PRO is ready to help you create stunning websites and web apps.

How to use it

Install the package via PIP

$ pip install git+

Add admin_corporate_pro application to the INSTALLED_APPS setting of your Django project file (note it should be before django.contrib.admin):


Add LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL and EMAIL_BACKEND of your Django project file:

    # EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
    EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'

Add admin_corporate_pro urls in your Django Project file

    from django.urls import path, include

    urlpatterns = [
        path('', include('admin_corporate_pro.urls')),

Collect static if you are in production environment:

$ python collectstatic

Start the app

$ # Set up the database
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
$ # Create the superuser
$ python createsuperuser
$ # Start the application (development mode)
$ python runserver # default port 8000

Access the admin section in the browser:

How to Customize

When a template file is loaded in the controller, Django scans all template directories starting from the ones defined by the user, and returns the first match or an error in case the template is not found. The theme used to style this starter provides the following files:

< LIBRARY_ROOT >                      # This exists in ENV: LIB/admin_corporate_pro
   |-- templates/                     # Root Templates Folder 
   |    |          
   |    |-- accounts/       
   |    |    |-- signin/basic.html    # Sign IN Page
   |    |    |-- signup/basic.html    # Sign UP Page
   |    |
   |    |-- includes/       
   |    |    |-- footer.html          # Footer component
   |    |    |-- sidebar.html         # Sidebar component
   |    |    |-- navigation.html      # Navigation Bar
   |    |    |-- scripts.html         # Scripts Component
   |    |
   |    |-- layouts/       
   |    |    |-- base.html            # Masterpage
   |    |    |-- base-fullscreen.html # Masterpage for Auth Pages
   |    |
   |    |-- pages/       
   |         |-- widgets.html         # Widgets page
   |         |-- messages.html        # Messaging APP Page
   |         |-- *.html               # All other pages
   |-- ************************************************************************

When the project requires customization, we need to copy the original file that needs an update (from the virtual environment) and place it in the template folder using the same path.

For instance, if we want to customize the footer.html these are the steps:

  • Step 1: create the templates DIRECTORY inside your app
  • Step 2: configure the project to use this new template directory
    • Edit TEMPLATES section
  • Step 3: copy the footer.html from the original location (inside your ENV) and save it to the YOUR_APP/templates DIR
    • Source PATH: <YOUR_ENV>/LIB/admin_corporate_pro/includes/footer.html
    • Destination PATH: YOUR_APP/templates/includes/footer.html
  • Edit the footer (Destination PATH)

At this point, the default version of the footer.html shipped in the library is ignored by Django.

In a similar way, all other files and components can be customized easily.

Recompile SCSS

The SCSS/CSS files used to style the Ui are saved in the static directory. In order to update the Ui colors (primary, secondary) this procedure needs to be followed.

$ yarn # install modules
$ # edit variables
$ vi admin_corporate_pro/static/assets/scss/soft-ui-dashboard/_variables.scss  
$ gulp # SCSS to CSS translation

The _variables.scss content defines the primary and secondary colors:

$primary:       #774DD3 !default; // EDIT for customization
$secondary:     #64748b !default; // EDIT for customization
$info:          #55A6F8 !default; // EDIT for customization
$success:       #67C23A !default; // EDIT for customization
$warning:       #F19937 !default; // EDIT for customization
$danger:        #EA4E3D !default; // EDIT for customization

Django Admin Corporate PRO - Modern Admin Interface provided by AppSeed