Cross platform command line interface for SQL Server
NOTE: All Pull-Requests must be made into the dev
You can install the sql-cli npm package.
npm install -g sql-cli
If you're more adventurous and like to live on the edge then you can install development version as follows:
git clone
cd sql-cli
git checkout dev
npm install -g
To get the list of all parameters type 'mssql -h'
Usage: mssql [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --server <server> Server to conect to
-u, --user <user> User name to use for authentication
-p, --pass <pass> Password to use for authentication
-o, --port <port> Port to connect to
-t, --timeout <timeout> Connection timeout in ms
-d, --database <database> Database to connect to
-q, --query <query> The query to execute
-v, --tdsVersion <tdsVersion> Version of tds protocol to use [7_4, 7_2, 7_3_A, 7_3_B, 7_4]
-e, --encrypt Enable encryption
-f, --format <format> The format of output [table, csv, xml, json]
-c, --config <path> Read connection information from config file
To connect to a SQL Server instance in Azure invoke mssql as follows
mssql -s -u username@abcdef -p thepassword -d mydatabase -e
You will get a prompt as follows:
Connecting to
sql-cli version 0.1.0
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
To get the list of all commands use the '.help' command
mssql> .help
command description
-------------- ------------------------------------------
.help Shows this message
.tables Lists all the tables
.databases Lists all the databases
.read FILENAME Execute commands in a file
.run FILENAME Execute the file as a sql script
.schema TABLE Shows the schema of a table
.indexes TABLE Lists all the indexes of a table
.analyze Analyzes the database for missing indexes.
.quit Exit the cli
To get the list of databases use the '.databases' command
mssql> .databases
2 row(s) returned in 12 ms
To get the list of tables use the '.tables' command
mssql> use test;
mssql> .tables
database schema name type
-------- ------ ----- ----------
test dbo books BASE TABLE
test dbo test BASE TABLE
2 row(s) returned in 24 ms
To exit the cli use the '.quit' command
mssql> .quit
This module also serves as an extension to Azure CLI tool that allows you to directly connect to database of your Mobile Service.
To connect to your Mobile Service database you can use the 'connect' command as follows:
azure mobile sqldb connect <mobileservicename> <username> <password>
To run a query against your Mobile Service database you can use the 'query' command as follows:
azure mobile sqldb query <mobileservicename> <username> <password>