Kalman Filter Compressive Tracking (KFCT) is a modified version of the original Compressive Tracking (CT) presented by Zhang et al. in Real-time Compressive Tracking. In such a version, a Kalman Filter has been implemented for supporting the original CT, where the rectangles, containing the possible candidate, are sampled around the prediction of the CT.
- OpenCV
KCFT works under Linux environments. I recommend a so-called out of source build which can be achieved by the following command sequence:
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ../
- make -j<number-of-cores+1>
Go to the main KCFT directory and launch one of the scripts:
sh scripts/deer_kalman.sh
Or if you want to use your own set of images, go into the bin folder and launch the script as:
./ct -kalman x y w h dt path/to/the/image/folder
for the Kaman version.
./ct -origin x y w h path/to/the/image/folder
for the original version.
- x,y,w,h: are the coordinates of the first rectangle
- dt: is the parameter of the Kalman Filter.