docker-compose up --build -d
http://localhost:4873 or <your-ip>
# Configuring your registry settings as an npm registry
npm config set registry http://localhost:4873 or <your-ip>
# Logging in to an npm registry
npm login --registry=http://localhost:4873 or <your-ip>
# Publish a package
npm publish --registry=http://localhost:4873 or <your-ip>
# Remove a package
npm unpublish --registry http://localhost:4873 or <your-ip>
# Install a package
npm install --registry=http://localhost:4873 or <your-ip>
User already
user: admin
pass: admin!
There are some tools you can create a new user for htpasswd Generator htpasswd open verdaccio/htpasswd file, add a new line and paste that what the tool is created
If your using docker then the following worked for me:
docker-compose exec --user root verdaccio /bin/sh
and than
chown verdaccio: /verdaccio/ -R