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DANSE: Data-driven Non-linear State Estimation of Model-free Process in Unsupervised Learning Setup

This is the repository for implementing a nonlinear state estimation of a model-free process with Linear measurements

Pre-print: Anubhab Ghosh, Antoine Honoré, and Saikat Chatterjee. "DANSE: Data-driven Non-linear State Estimation of Model-free Process in Unsupervised Learning Setup." arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.03897 (2023)

Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (IEEE-TSP) (March 2024) (pdf)


Anubhab Ghosh (, Antoine Honoré (


It is recommended to build an environment either in pip or conda and install the following packages (I used conda as personal preference):

  • PyTorch (1.6.0)

  • Python (>= 3.7.0) with standard packages as part of an Anaconda installation such as Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, etc. The settings for the code were:

    • Numpy (1.20.3)
    • Matplotlib (3.4.3)
    • Scipy (1.7.3)
    • Scikit-learn (1.0.1)
  • Filterpy (1.4.5) (for implementation of Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)):

  • Jupyter notebook (>= 6.4.6) (for result analysis)

  • Tikzplotlib (for figures)

Datasets used

The experiments were carried out using synthetic data generated with linear and non-linear SSMs:

  • Linear state space models (Linear SSMs)
  • Non-linear state space models (Non-linear SSMs): In our case, we used chaotic attractors:
    • Lorenz attractor
    • Chen attractor
    • Lorenz-96 attractor

Details about these models and their underlying dynamics can be found in ./bin/

Reference models (implemented in PyTorch + Numpy)

GPU Support

The training-based methods: DANSE, DMM and KalmanNet, were run on a single NVIDIA-Tesla P100 GPU with 16 GB of memory.

Code organization

This would be the required organization of files and folders for reproducing results. If certain folders are not present, they should be created at that level.

- (main function for training 'DANSE' model)
- (main function for training unsupervised 'KalmanNet' model)
- (main function for training supervised version of 'DANSE')
- (main function for training causal deep Markov model)
- (main function for running grid-search on DANSE for hyperparameter tuning)

- data/ (contains stored datasets in .pkl files)
| - synthetic_data/ (contains datasets related to SSM models in .pkl files)

- src/ (contains model-related files)
| - (for training the unsupervised version of DANSE)
| - (for training the supervised version of DANSE, refer to section 2.E of the paper)
| - (for running the Kalman filter (KF) at test-time for inference)
| - (for running the extended Kalman filter (EKF) at test-time for inference)
| - (for running the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) at test-time for inference)
| - (for running the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) at test-time for inference related to one-step ahead of forecasting!)
| - (for training the unsupervised KalmanNet model)
| - (for training the deep Markov model with structured-approximation (DMM-ST-L))
| - (class definition of the RNN model for DANSE)

- log/ (contains training and evaluation logs, losses in `.json`, `.log` files)
- models/ (contains saved model checkpoints as `.pt` files)
- figs/ (contains resulting model figures)
- utils/ (contains helping functions)
- tests/ (contains files and functions for evaluation at test time)
- config/ (contains the parameter file)
| - (Python file containing relevant parameters for different architectures)

- bin/ (contains data generation files)
| - (contains the classes for state space models)
| - (contains code for generating training datasets)

- run/ (folder containing the shell scripts to run the `main` scripts or data-generation scripts at one go for either different smnr_dB / sigma_e2_dB / N)
| - 
| -
| :
| -

Brief outline of DANSE training

  1. Generate data by calling bin/ This can be done in a simple manner by editing and calling the shell script Data gets stored at data/synthetic_data/. For e.g. to generate trajectory data with 1000 samples with each trajectory of length 100, from a Lorenz Attractor model (m=3, n=3), with $\sigma_{e}^{2}= -10$ dB, and $\text{SMNR}$ = $0$ dB, the syntax should be
python3 ./bin/ --n_states 3 --n_obs 3 --num_samples 1000 --sequence_length 100 --sigma_e2_dB -10 --smnr 0 --dataset_type LorenzSSM --output_path ./data/synthetic_data/
  1. Edit the hyper-parameters for the DANSE architecture in ./config/

  2. Run the training for DANSE by calling E.g. to run a DANSE model employing a GRU architecture as the RNN, using the Lorenz attractor dataset as described above, the syntax should be

python3 \
--mode train \
--rnn_model_type gru \
--dataset_type LorenzSSM \
--datafile ./data/synthetic_data/trajectories_m_3_n_3_LorenzSSM_data_T_100_N_1000_sigmae2_-10.0dB_smnr_0.0dB.pkl \
--splits ./data/synthetic_data/splits_m_3_n_3_LorenzSSM_data_T_100_N_1000_sigmae2_-10.0dB_smnr_0.0dB.pkl

For the datafile and splits arguments: N denotes the number of sample trajectories, T denotes the length of each sample trajectory.

  1. To reproduce experiments, for multiple SMNRs, run the shell script ./run/ For more info, check this readme.

  2. Similarly, other main_... files and corresponding scripts can be used to reproduce experiments for kalmannet and dmm.

Grid-search (for architectural choice of DANSE)

Can be run by calling the script with grid-search parameters to be edited in the script directly.


Once files are created, the evaluation can be done by calling scripts in /tests/. Paths to model files and log files should be edited in the script directly. More information in this readme.


  • Nov 2024: Fixed a part in the data generation (slightly off in the alignment of X and Y sequences) and subsequent evaluation of metrics like NMSE and MSE between estimate and ground-truth sequences.
    • NOTE: Currently the DANSE implementation uses the covariance matrix ($\mathbf{C}{w}$) obtained using the SSM model (found in ./bin/ for the likelihood calculation and posterior computation. This is accurate, considering scenarios when the same measurement covariance is used for generation of data. In case this changes, e.g. controlling the matrix $\mathbf{C}{w}$ using another factor such as $\text{SMNR}$ then the corresponding $\mathbf{C}{w}$ needs to be fed in as an additional batch-wise input in addition to batch-wise measurements ${{\mathbf{y}^{(i)}{1:T}}}_{i=1}^{N_b}$ in the form of ${{{\mathbf{C}w}^{(i)}}}{i=1}^{N_b}$. Currently, in this paper for the Lorenz attractor, this will be published out in a separate branch as a future modification, but doesn't cause any significant change in reported results.


Experiments related to the journal version of DANSE







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