Releases: antonwierenga/activemq-cli
Releases · antonwierenga/activemq-cli
- Fixed multiple shell commands not working for queue/topic names containing the colon or asterisk character
- Updated shell command 'list-queues': new option --exclude-filter
- Updated shell command 'purge-all-queues': new option --exclude-filter
- Updated shell command 'remove-all-queues': new option --exclude-filter
- Add support for multiple jmxurls
- Updated shell command 'send-message': new option --type
- Fixed shell command 'send-message': set JMSType header when sending messages from file
- Increased width used in XML formatting
- Added shell command 'pause-queue'
- Added shell command 'resume-queue'
- Updated shell command 'send-message': support for '~' in file option
- Updated shell command 'export-messages': support for '~' in file option
- Fixed java version check (openjdk)
- Updated shell command 'send-message': new option --reply-to
- Fixed a bug that caused the 'reply-to' header to be omitted when sending messages from file
- Updated shell command 'connect': option --broker now uses tab completion
- Updated shell command 'list-messages': option --queue now mandatory
- Fixed a bug that prevented the embedded broker from being started
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when export-messages is run against a queue containing a message with no text
- Updated shell command 'list-queues': new filter options --pending, --enqueued, --dequeued and --consumers (replaces --no-consumer)
- Updated shell command 'purge-all-queues': new filter options --pending, --enqueued, --dequeued and --consumers (replaces --no-consumer)
- Updated shell command 'remove-all-queues': new filter options --pending, --enqueued, --dequeued and --consumers (replaces --no-consumer)
- Updated shell command 'list-topics': new filter options --enqueued and --dequeued
- Updated shell command 'remove-all-topics': new filter options --enqueued and --dequeued
- Updated shell command 'connect-broker': SSL support (specify keyStore, keyStorePassword and trustStore in broker config)
- Updated shell command 'remove-all-topics': new options --filter and --dry-run
- Updated shell command 'remove-all-queues': new options --filter, --no-consumers and --dry-run
- Updated shell command 'purge-all-queues': new options --filter, --no-consumers and --dry-run
- Updated shell command 'list-topics': display total number of topics
- Updated shell command 'list-queues': display total number of queues, new option --no-consumers
- Renamed shell command 'queues' to 'list-queues'
- Renamed shell command 'topics' to 'list-topics'
- Updated shell command 'send-message': --times option now supported when sending messages using the --file option
- Updated shell command 'export-messages': display full path of the export file
- Updated shell command 'export-messages': default export path is 'activemq-cli/output' when no path is given
- Updated shell command 'export-broker': display full path of the export file
- Updated shell command 'export-broker': default export path is 'activemq-cli/output' when no path is given
- Updated shell command 'connect-broker': validate amqurl (as specified in activemq-cli.config)
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when activemq-cli was running from a path that contains spaces (Windows)
- New shell command 'add-queue'
- New shell command 'add-topic'
- New shell command 'connect'
- New shell command 'copy-messages '
- New shell command 'disconnect'
- New shell command 'export-broker'
- New shell command 'export-messages'
- New shell command 'info'
- New shell command 'list-messages'
- New shell command 'move-messages'
- New shell command 'purge-all-queues'
- New shell command 'purge-queue'
- New shell command 'queues'
- New shell command 'release-notes'
- New shell command 'remove-all-queues'
- New shell command 'remove-all-topics'
- New shell command 'remove-queue'
- New shell command 'remove-topic'
- New shell command 'send-message'
- New shell command 'start-embedded-broker'
- New shell command 'stop-embedded-broker'
- New shell command 'topics'