By following this guide to contributing, we can make sure that everything is up to scratch, everything is formatted properly, and we are posting bug reports, feature requests, and questions in the proper area.
Here is a rough outline of where you should post any given issue, question or contribution:
- Use GitHub Issues if you found a bug
- Use GitHub Issues if you have an idea
- Use GitHub Issues if you want to ask a question
- Submit a pull request if you want to contribute
Do you think that there should be something in True Digtial's Frontend that isn't already included?
If you are unsure of whether or not your feature would be a good fit for the framework, posting in GitHub Issues and tagging it idea
will help us filter your feature request and evaluate the idea.
- Fork us
- Create a feature branch
- Match the style of the code
- Test any and all changes you make or implement.
- Commit changes
- Note: If you're referencing a GitHub issue in your commit, please preface the commit with
[ref: #000]
is the issue number.
- Push to your feature branch
- Create a new Pull Request
- ???
- Profit