Python class that behaves as a client of the Axia Livewire Routing Protocol (LWRP).
This is my attempt to implement a LWRP Client as a well-behaved Python class. It heavily utilises threading and callbacks, making it a good candidate to use in a modern event-loop driven web app or threaded desktop application.
The Livewire Routing Protocol is the protocol that allows Axia Livewire hardware and software to communicate. Notably, it is used by PathfinderPC, and Automation System integrations with the IP Driver. All Livewire devices should implement this protocol.
Some of the currently implemented functionality:
- Login to a device
- View system/network data about a Livewire device
- View source setup details
- View destination setup details
- Set audio source addresses
- Set audio destination addresses
- View audio levels
- Detect silence & clipping
- View GPI & GPO pin states
- Set GPO pin states
- Set GPI & GPO command text
- Set xNode Matrix Mixer Points & Levels
- Subscribe to changes in source/destination configuration
- Subscribe to changes to GPIO pin states
- Subscribe to silence/clipping alerts
- Subscribe to error notifications
- Subscribe to xNode Matrix Mixer changes
Currently you cannot:
- Update source/destination setup details (you can change stream numbers, but not audio levels, names, etc.)
- Set system parameters
This software is in 24/7/265 operation with the Livewire Simple Delegation Switcher. LWRP implementations vary between devices, so your milage may vary. There are some subtle differences in implementation between the different generations of Axia equipment. However, over time we've found this module to work quite well.
To import the method, copy "" and "" to your project directory, then:
import LWRPClient
Note: LWRPClient is what you should always use. It exposes nice APIs for most functionality. LWRPClientComms is the lower-level communication code - best not to use it directly.
To connect and login to a device (LWRP is always port 93):
from LWRPClient import LWRPClient
LWRP = LWRPClient("", 93)
You can view a variety of pieces of information about a device:
print LWRP.deviceData()
print LWRP.networkData()
print LWRP.sourceData()
print LWRP.destinationData()
print LWRP.GPIData()
print LWRP.GPOData()
To get the current audio levels:
print LWRP.meterData()
To change a source stream number:
LWRP.setSource(1, "")
To change a destination stream number:
LWRP.setDestination(1, "")
To setup a callback for all error messages:
def errorCallback(data):
print "--- ERROR CALLBACK ---"
print data
To set level alert thresholds on input/source #1 and setup the callback for those alerts:
def levelsCallback(data):
print "--- LEVELS CALLBACK ---"
print data
LWRP.setSilenceThreshold("in", "1", "-100", "2000")
LWRP.setClippingThreshold("in", "1", "-1", "500")
You can also subscribe to callbacks for a few other things:
Set channel 1 GPO pin 2 to low:
LWRP.setGPO(1, 2, "low")
Set channel 1 GPO to a text string:
When you're ready to close the connection, do this:
If you make too many connections, your Livewire devices may misbehave. Please test this software on a non-critical Livewire network before going anywhere near your live broadcast systems.
No liability will be accepted by the developer of this software.
- What is Livewire+? (Axia Website)
- Axia Livewire Channel Numbering (Axia Website - PDF)
- A Look At Livewire (Github)
- "Audio Over IP: Building Pro AoIP Systems with Livewire" by Steve Church & Skip Pizzi (2010 Book)
- Livewire Routing Protocol - Specification v2.0.2
Contributions are welcomed. Feel free to submit a pull request to fix bugs or add additional functionality to this script.