Name | Type | Description | Notes |
type | str | Type of the operation, `revelation_penalty` - is operation, in which rewards were lost due to unrevealed seed nonces by the delegate (synthetic type) | [optional] |
id | int | Unique ID of the operation, stored in the TzKT indexer database | [optional] |
level | int | The height of the block from the genesis block, in which the operation was included | [optional] |
timestamp | datetime | Datetime of the block, in which the operation was included (ISO 8601, e.g. `2020-02-20T02:40:57Z`) | [optional] |
block | str | Hash of the block, in which the operation was included | [optional] |
baker | object | Information about the delegate (baker) who has lost rewards due to unrevealed seed nonces | [optional] |
missed_level | int | Height of the block, which contains hash of the seed nonce, which was to be revealed | [optional] |
loss | int | Reward for baking and gathered fees from the block, which were lost due to unrevealed seed nonces (micro tez) | [optional] |
quote | object | Injected historical quote at the time of operation | [optional] |
lost_reward | int | [DEPRECATED] | [optional] |
lost_fees | int | [DEPRECATED] | [optional] |