Benchmark 2.0.0 updates and issue fixes
- CIS Version: 2.0.0 2-23-2022
Issues Addressed:
- #128 - Current 4.2.3 Ensure permissions on all logfiles are configured remediation will break RHEL8
- #132 - Tasks 1.1.15 - 1.1.17 skipped
- #138 - 4.1.17 Ensure the audit configuration is immutable - Not correct set
- #139 - CIS Control 5.2.13 incorrect value
- #141 - Running in check mode fails on task 6.2.20
- #142 - Remove extra quotes that break check mode
- #143 - Check mode labels missing
- #146 - Undefined variable in parse_etc_password.yml
- #147 - Section 6.2.8: file does not have argument warn
- #155 - Alternative to fail with incompatible OS
- #156 - Include statements deprecated in Ansible 2.12 - will be removed in 2.16
- #157 - Section 6.2.9 should not recurse
- #164 - Please add run_audit tag in tasks/main.yml
- #165 - ansible_distribution_major_version should be treated as a string and not as an integer
- #176 - "2.2.10" task uses the wrong when conditional and tags
- Benchmarks 2.0.0 updates