Fix gas estimate #825
19 errors and 52 warnings
Docker (transactions, transactions)
Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable).
Validate Swagger
Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable).
Docker (parameters, parameters)
The job was canceled because "transactions_transactions" failed.
Docker (parameters, parameters)
Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable).
Docker (chain, chain)
The job was canceled because "transactions_transactions" failed.
Docker (chain, chain)
Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable).
Docker (seeder, seeder)
The job was canceled because "transactions_transactions" failed.
Docker (seeder, seeder)
A task was canceled.
Docker (governance, governance)
The job was canceled because "transactions_transactions" failed.
Docker (governance, governance)
A task was canceled.
Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable).
Docker (rewards, rewards)
The job was canceled because "transactions_transactions" failed.
Docker (rewards, rewards)
A task was canceled.
Docker (pos, pos)
The job was canceled because "transactions_transactions" failed.
Docker (webserver, webserver)
The job was canceled because "transactions_transactions" failed.
Docker (pos, pos)
A task was canceled.
Docker (webserver, webserver)
A task was canceled.
Process completed with exit code 101.
Process completed with exit code 1.
Docker (transactions, transactions)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 502 (Bad Gateway). 4C00:31729D:45B9499:8C0497F:67A484BE
Docker (transactions, transactions)
Back off 12.54 seconds before retry.
Docker (transactions, transactions)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable). 4C00:31729D:45BC0A6:8C096F5:67A484CE
Docker (transactions, transactions)
Back off 13.947 seconds before retry.
Validate Swagger
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 502 (Bad Gateway). 1088:342A31:3735C04:6ECB292:67A484BD
Validate Swagger
Back off 14.843 seconds before retry.
Validate Swagger
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 502 (Bad Gateway). 1088:22AD7A:42D1FAD:86337C4:67A484D1
Validate Swagger
Back off 20.694 seconds before retry.
Docker (parameters, parameters)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 504 (Gateway Timeout).
Docker (parameters, parameters)
Back off 13.557 seconds before retry.
Docker (parameters, parameters)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable). 0BC1:2F89E7:42985F7:85D3F43:67A484D7
Docker (parameters, parameters)
Back off 19.768 seconds before retry.
Docker (chain, chain)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 502 (Bad Gateway). 2800:3928ED:38C412E:71EB3C9:67A484BD
Docker (chain, chain)
Back off 17.126 seconds before retry.
Docker (chain, chain)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable). 2800:3928ED:38C7FD9:71F2250:67A484D5
Docker (chain, chain)
Back off 24.085 seconds before retry.
Docker (seeder, seeder)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 502 (Bad Gateway). 8818:26C4B:24659E5:2585410:67A484BF
Docker (seeder, seeder)
Back off 18.774 seconds before retry.
Docker (seeder, seeder)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable). 8818:26C4B:246806B:2587AD9:67A484D7
Docker (seeder, seeder)
Back off 13.15 seconds before retry.
Docker (governance, governance)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 504 (Gateway Timeout).
Docker (governance, governance)
Back off 20.263 seconds before retry.
Docker (governance, governance)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 504 (Gateway Timeout).
Docker (governance, governance)
Back off 16.657 seconds before retry.
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 502 (Bad Gateway). C460:A7A37:37A550F:6F9DC1E:67A484BF
Back off 27.981 seconds before retry.
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable). C460:A7A37:37AA612:6FA6F05:67A484DE
Back off 17.396 seconds before retry.
Docker (rewards, rewards)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 504 (Gateway Timeout).
Docker (rewards, rewards)
Back off 21.002 seconds before retry.
Docker (rewards, rewards)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable). C4A1:3DC059:18CD0BB:31E5F2B:67A484DD
Docker (rewards, rewards)
Back off 21.273 seconds before retry.
Docker (pos, pos)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 504 (Gateway Timeout).
Docker (pos, pos)
Back off 26.686 seconds before retry.
Docker (pos, pos)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable). 1C41:237949:39D9824:740226E:67A484E2
Docker (webserver, webserver)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 504 (Gateway Timeout).
Docker (webserver, webserver)
Back off 21.901 seconds before retry.
Docker (pos, pos)
Back off 22.056 seconds before retry.
Docker (webserver, webserver)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable). 63C1:25EC84:515182F:538AC97:67A484E0
Docker (webserver, webserver)
Back off 28.095 seconds before retry.
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 504 (Gateway Timeout).
Back off 19.01 seconds before retry.
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable). C490:D0161:465759F:8D1A001:67A484DB
Back off 24.606 seconds before retry.
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 504 (Gateway Timeout).
Back off 24.46 seconds before retry.
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 504 (Gateway Timeout).
Back off 22.217 seconds before retry.
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable). 1081:329596:4E539AD:508CECE:67A484EB
Back off 14.826 seconds before retry.
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable). 1080:26C4B:246C12F:258BFCF:67A484FE
Back off 26.536 seconds before retry.