Lead Earth Scientist @ Climate Engine | M.S. in Environmental Sciences and Policy | 2x NASA DEVELOPer
👋 My name is Annie Britton and I'm an environmental scientist passionate about digging into Earth science data to provide actionable information about our planet.
😄 Pronouns: She/Her
- Python (pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, seaborn, geopandas, netCDF4, rioxarray, rasterstats, Rasterio, Google Earth Engine API, scikit-learn, Vertex AI)
- R (tidyverse, rgdal, raster)
- SQL (primarily BigQuery)
- JavaScript
- Britton, A., Graham, G., & Woloszyn, M. (2024). Exploring Relationships between Drought Indices and Ecological Drought Impacts using Machine Learning and Explainable AI. Journal of Applied and Service Climatology, 2024. https://doi.org/10.46275/JOASC.2024.09.001
- Mendrinos, A., O’Brien, J., Davis, M., Baldwin, A., Zaitchik, B., Britton, A., Mwanja, I., & Gohlke, J. (2024). Association between summertime emergency department visits and maximum daily heat index in rural and non-rural areas of Virginia (2015-2022). Science of The Total Environment, 948. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4736254
- Williams, M., Peppelenbos, L., White, C., Pritchard, I., Britton, A., Smith, G., & Herring, J. (2024). Leveraging Geospatial & AI For Biodiversity Finance: A Case Study Of Mining. Climate Engine [White Paper]. http://climateengine.com/site/assets/uploads/2024/09/Geospatial-and-AI-for-Biodiversity-Finance.pdf
- Britton, A. (2023). An Interpretable Machine Learning Model to Explore Relationships between Drought Indices and Ecological Drought Impacts in the Cheyenne River Basin, USA. [Master’s Thesis, Johns Hopkins Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy]. http://jhir.library.jhu.edu/handle/1774.2/68152
- Britton, A., An, D., Geraty, S., & Nixon, C. (2022). Evaluating Rock Pool Hydroperiod Fluctuation Using Climate Variables To Inform Habitat Monitoring And Protection In The Western Sonoran Desert. NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20220013384
- Jaenicke, M., Britton, A., Brown, A., & Megraw, L. (2022). Utilizing Aerial Imagery And NASA Earth Observations To Assess Pinyon-Juniper Tree Mortality In Flagstaff, AZ. NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20220006383
- Jaenicke, M., Britton, A., Brown, A., & Megraw, L. (2022). A Pinyon-Juniper Tree Mortality Detection Framework Utilizing Aerial Imagery and NASA Earth Observations. NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20220009414