# Get a local copy of MTG-Link source code
git clone --recursive https://github.com/anne-gcd/OLC_pipeline.git
The OLC command line interface is composed of multiple parameters. You can get a summary of all available parameters by running:
./olc.py --help
usage: olc.py -in <input_sequence> -reads <reads_file> -s <seed_size> -o <minimum_overlap_size> -l <maximum_assembly_length> [options]
Gapfilling, using an Overlap-Layout-Consensus (OLC) method
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-reads READS File of reads
-s SEED_SIZE Seed size used for indexing the reads (bp)
-o MIN_OVERLAP mMinimum overlapping size (bp)
Minimal abundance(s) of reads used for gapfilling ;
extension's groups having less than this number of reads are discarded from the graph
-l MAX_LENGTH Maximum assembly length (bp) (it could correspond to the length of the gap to fill (+length input sequences)
OR it could be a very high length ; to prevent for searching indefinitely
-out OUTDIR Output directory for the results' files