- http://Test"><img src=x onload=window.location="http://google.com">
- "><img src=x onerror=window.location="http://google.com">
- /auth/v2/login/signed_in?return_to=javascripT:alert(document/**/.domain);
- Convert the content type from "application/json"/"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" to "application/xml".
- File Uploads allows for docx/xlcs/pdf/zip , unzip the package and add your evil xml code into the xml files.
- If svg allowed in picture upload , you can inject xml in svgs.
- If the web app offers RSS feeds , add your malicious code into the RSS.
- Fuzz for /soap api , some applications still running soap apis
- If the target web app allows for SSO integration, you can inject your malicious xml code in the SAML request/response
- For more: A Deep Dive into XXE Injection