- 🤔 Exploring new technologies and developing software solutions and quick hacks.
- 🎓 Confident Open Source Contributor, DevOps enthusiast having passion to learn new technology.
- 🎓 Active Open Source Contributor on Hactoberfest from past 3 Year
- 💼 Working as a Devops Architect at IBM Denmark
- 🌱 Learning more about Cloud Services by writing it as a Infrastructure as a code.
- ✍️ Love to Automate All my manual tasks
- 👯 We can connect on Chess.com♟ to play some games Or Counter strike if you want
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- 💬 Talk to me about cricket, soccer (Yes as Iam a proud Madridista)

⭐️ From ankurjha21