This tool analyzes SQL logs to find useful insights. The project uses Flask framework, wherein a lightweight python web server is constructed to query the large Postgres SQL database (with over millions rows) to fetch the results. Results are then displayed on a bootstrap based frontend. Database used here contains newspaper articles, as well as the web server log for the site.
In short, it's small version of a reporting tool that will use information from the database to discover insights.
Preview image of frontend with output
To clone the project, follow below steps:
git clone
cd log-analysis
To use the database extract the newsdata.sql
file from
and put it inside the repository folder, and follow below steps:
psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
Now, to run the project, go to the clone directory and follow below step:
Open localhost:8000 in a webbrowser
A python web server based on Flask framework is built to query the postgres SQL database (with millions of rows). The fetched result is then displayed on the web frontend.
SQL queries addresses below questions:
What are the most popular three articles of all time?
Who are the most popular article authors of all time?
On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors?
: contains prview image (front-end) of Log analysis reporting tool output -
: contains HTML templates used by Flask framework -
: contains JS and CSS files used by Flask framework -
: contains sample textual output of the program
: contains the web server code. It runs and uses the APIs to fetch the results of the queries. This file is to be executed to see the results.
: contains APIs to connects to database, executes different SQLs queries and return the fetched data.
- What are the most popular three articles of all time?
create view most_popular_articles_view as select articles.title, count(log.ip) as num from articles join log on log.path = concat('/article/', articles.slug) group by articles.title order by num desc limit 3;
- Who are the most popular article authors of all time?
create view most_popular_authors_view as select, sum(B.num) as sumB from (select,, count(articles.title) as num from authors left join articles on = group by, order by num) as A left join (select, articles.title, count(log.ip) as num from articles left join log on log.path = concat('/article/', articles.slug) group by, articles.title order by num desc) as B on = group by order by sumB desc;
- On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors?
create view most_erroneous_day_view as select * from (select A.dat, (A.num * 100 / B.num) as Percentage from (select log.time::timestamp::date as dat, count(log.status) as num from log where log.status like '404%' group by dat order by num) as A join (select log.time::timestamp::date as dat, count(log.status) as num from log group by dat order by num) as B on A.dat = B.dat) as F where F.percentage > 1;
def dbconnect(database_name) : Connects to database and returns the db connection handle and cursor
def get_most_popular_articles() : Connects to DB, executes the SQL query (view) most_popular_articles_view and returns the results. most_popular_articles_view describes 3 most popular articles of all time.
def get_most_popular_authors() : Connects to DB, executes the SQL query (view) most_popular_authors_view and returns the results. most_popular_authors_view describes most popular article authors of all time.
def get_most_erroneous_day() : Connects to DB, executes the SQL query (view) most_erroneous_day_view and returns the results. most_erroneous_day_view describes days when total HTTP error > 1%.
Backend: Python 3
Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 3
Web framework: Flask
Database: Postgres SQL
Font: Google Fonts
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Udacity for providing newsdata.sql
This project uses MIT license.