Add your programs you made while learning new programming languages
always make more then 4 pull request
lets you have made only 4 pull request to different projects
but one project is excluded from hackoctoberfest event then your pull request will not be count and
then you have remains 3 valid pull request if these projects is not excluded.
if you fail to make 4 pull request then you cant get swags or t-shirts.
i will recommend you make pull request to your own repo which is very very saffest side for you..
keep in mind that repo has hacktoberfest topic..
A Simple😉 beginner friendly😊 Repo for all programmers and coders. All contributors are requested to star🌟this repo and and Follow me.
- ⚓Star this repo to get latest updates.
- ⚓Fork this repository by click the Fork button in the top right of this page or simply click here.
- ⚓Create a new file and add a new Program code(like C++ program to implement Binary Search, etc.) in any programming language like C++, Java, Python, etc. (Note: Program must not be exist already in this repository)
- ⚓First, you have to create an issue with a proper description. then I will assign issue with
label. after that you have to make pull request then If the changes are ok then I will merge your PR withhacktoberfest-accepted
label. - ⚓Put your files in correct folder like .py in Python, .js in Javascript etc.
- ⚓After adding the code, Commit your changes.
- ⚓Create a new pull request from your forked repository (Button located at the top of your repo)
- ⚓You can follow ME😁.
- 💻 C
- 💻 C#
- 💻 C++
- 💻 HTML
- 💻 PHP
- 💻 Python
- 💻 Java
- 💻 Javascript
- A month-long celebration from October 1st - 31st sponsored by Digital Ocean and GitHub to get people involved in Open Source. Create your very first pull request to any public repository on GitHub and contribute to the open source developer community.
All contributors who have followed the rules to contribute get successfully merged PR. Don't forget to follow!!!
Have some patience to get successfully merged PR. Keep Patience!!!
Thanks to these wonderful people ✨