• I had taken 24 hours to complete my assignment. I had taken 30 min initial research regarding to assignment.
- Simply Login and SignUp screen
- News screen it contains logout feature
- If you view once a news screen and news stores in offline mode
get: it is used for statemanagement.
http: it is used for api integration. I used newapi.com in project and I used get method.
cached_network_image: It is used caching the images. If user visit app without internet connection on that time cached images are displayed.
nb_utils: It is used for changing the status bar color and tosting messages.
hive_flutter: This is used for storing data in locally and it helps wether user is logged or not. and it helps to store the news data.
jiffy: It is used to convert time stamp into timeago format.
country_pickers: It is used for selecting country code for mobile number text field.