NewsFeed tailors the top stories from hundreds of news articles, and sources to keep you up to date.
World News : This tab contains the list of all the international news that are fetched from various news sources such as bbc, usa-today and much more.
National News : This requires access to the location so that it can fetch and display news based on your location country code
Sources : This contains a list of all various news sources, which will redirect to the news from those sources
Bookmarks : This feature enables you to add news aritcle as bookmarks to enable you to save the news and read it later.
Pods Used
- Alamofire : Used for networking and image caching.
- Realm : Used for data models, and persistence for offline first.
API Used
- NewsAPI : News API is a simple and easy-to-use API that returns JSON metadata for the headlines currently published on a range of news sources and blogs.
- Swift : This project has been written on swift 3.0 using Xcode 8 IDE.