Simple & Capable files arranger (previously arranger
Arng is a CLI file arng written in Perl
It cleans up your Directory by moving files to their corresponding Directory by their file extension
jpg, png, jpeg, webp -> Images
mp4, mkv, avi, flv -> Videos
and other common filetype extensions
Arng can
- control maxdepth when arranging
- delete empty Directories
- save logs of what exactly happened
- revert the move using logfile
- move only specific files by provided file extensions & Directory
- arrange more than one Directory
- move unrecognised filetypes to 'Other' Directory
- arrange files by patterns
Its just a perl script download it make it executable and put somewhere in your $PATH
bash -c "$(curl"
with wget
wget -O arng
with curl
curl --output arng
making it executable
chmod +x arng
copying it to $PATH (~/.local/bin/ , this step is optional)
cp arng ~/.local/bin/
arng [dirs] [options]
$ arng -dry
files2.mp4 -> Videos/files2.mp4
files2.mp3 -> Music/files2.mp3
files1.mp4 -> Videos/files1.mp4 -> Other/
files1.mp3 -> Music/files1.mp3
files1.pdf -> Documents/files1.pdf -> Other/
files2.pdf -> Documents/files2.pdf
0 Files moved
$ arng -v
files2.mp4 -> Videos/files2.mp4
files2.mp3 -> Music/files2.mp3
files1.mp4 -> Videos/files1.mp4 -> Other/
files1.mp3 -> Music/files1.mp3
files1.pdf -> Documents/files1.pdf -> Other/
files2.pdf -> Documents/files2.pdf
8 Files moved
$ arng -ext sh zsh fish -dir shell -v -> shell/
script.zsh -> shell/script.zsh -> shell/
3 Files moved
logfiles are stored in ~/.config/arng/logs
$ arng -rev "~/.config/arng/logs/logfile1234"
8 files moved
$ arng -nl -nu
8 files moved
$ arng --no-log --no-unknown
8 files moved
$ arng --delete-empty --no-arrange
2 Directory deleted
0 files moved
$ arng -de -na
2 Directory deleted
0 files moved
$ arng -iname "episode*" -dir "Episodes" -v
episode_1.mp4 -> Episodes/episode_1.mp4
EPISODE_3.mp4 -> Episodes/EPISODE_3.mp4
episode_2.mp4 -> Episodes/episode_2.mp4
EPISODE_4.mp4 -> Episodes/EPISODE_4.mp4
4 Files moved
$ tree
└── dir
├── subdir1
│ ├── subdir1_file.mp3
│ ├── subdir1_file.mp4
│ └── subdir1_file.pdf
└── subdir2
├── subdir2_file.mp3
├── subdir2_file.mp4
└── subdir2_file.pdf
3 directories, 6 files
$ arng
0 files moved
$ arng --maxdepth 3 -v
dir/subdir2/subdir2_file.mp4 -> Videos/subdir2_file.mp4
dir/subdir2/subdir2_file.pdf -> Documents/subdir2_file.pdf
dir/subdir2/subdir2_file.mp3 -> Music/subdir2_file.mp3
dir/subdir1/subdir1_file.mp4 -> Videos/subdir1_file.mp4
dir/subdir1/subdir1_file.pdf -> Documents/subdir1_file.pdf
dir/subdir1/subdir1_file.mp3 -> Music/subdir1_file.mp3
6 Files moved
you need to create a file ~/.config/arng/arng.conf
you can download the sample config file and move it into the config Directory
with curl
curl --output arng.conf
mv arng.conf ~/.config/arng/arng.conf
- everything should be space separated (don't worry about extra/trailing spaces)
- first word of line would be Directory name rest would be file extensions associated with that Directory