The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Hardware Processing Engine (HWPE) is a cryptographic accelerator developed to enhance data encryption and decryption capabilities on the PULPissimo platform. The project includes the Register Transfer Level (RTL) design, a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL), an AES C driver, and an application that configures and runs the HWPE using the AES driver:
RTL Design: The foundation of the AES HWPE, providing the low-level hardware design essential for its functionality.
HAL Design: This layer abstracts the hardware specifics, offering a more accessible interface for higher-level software interactions.
AES C Driver: A driver written in C that facilitates communication between the HWPE and application software, simplifying the process of configuring and controlling the HWPE.
Example Application: Demonstrates the practical usage of the AES HWPE. This application showcases how to configure and operate the HWPE using the provided AES driver, serving as a guide for developers to integrate and utilize the HWPE in their own projects.
The AES accelerator supports different modes and specifications:
Key Modes: The HWPE supports both 128-bit and 256-bit key modes.
Encryption and Decryption: Designed to perform Electronic Codebook (ECB) encryption and decryption.
Data Management: The AES gets data from one memory address, encrypts/decrypts it, and then stores it in another memory address. Can encrypt or decrypt up to 4GB if the hardware supports it.
Configuration Flexibility: The engine provides several configurable options, including the selection of key mode, setting a key, setting a data length, configuring input and output addresses, and toggling between encryption and decryption modes.
The AES Hardware Processing Engine (HWPE) is designed for developers using the RISC-V PULPissimo architecture who need to offload AES-based cryptographic processing from the main CPU.
This testbench requires a RISC-V GCC toolchain available and installed, for example
The toolchain path must be added to the system path:
export PULP_RISCV_GCC_TOOLCHAIN=/path/to/riscv/gcc/root
The testbench will look for the toolchain in $PULP_RISCV_GCC_TOOLCHAIN/bin
Follow these steps to get your development environment running:
Clone the repository
git clone
Navigate to the project directory
cd hwpe-tb
Update the repository
make update-ips
This will solve dependencies and generate the simulation scripts using Bender, which will be installed if not already available.
Build the RTL files
make build-hw
Clean and compile the workspace
make clean all
Run the simulation
make run gui=1
Launches the ModelSim GUI for simulation.
See documentation on