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#####This plugin can be used to show validation message.
bower install simple-form-validation
<script src="bower_components/simple-form-validation/dist/scripts/angular-form-validation.js"></script>
You can use rawgit.com's cdn url to access the files in the Bower repository. These files are hosted by MaxCDN. Just alter the version as you need.
- https://rawgit.com/angular-libs/angular-form-validation/master/dist/scripts/form-validation.js
- https://rawgit.com/angular-libs/angular-form-validation/master/dist/scripts/form-validation.min.js
: This can be used with form tag. It initiate the form validations and show the validation messages on form submit if validation failsvalidation-message
: This can be used to register a field with validation and validation message/codeform-error
: This can be used to show validation message, act as a placeholder in DOM, can be placed inside form or outside form.