This project is still on very early development stage. If you want to use for production, use it with your own risk.
KostFinder is a useful application to find the best boarding house.
- Choose house
- House details
- House booking
- Booking list
- Add ads
- a simple application with powerful features
- It's React Native, so it support android & iOS by default
- Simple code, so you can easly contribute on it
- Express is one of the most starred javascript framework, and it is very easy to use
- React Native, Redux for Front End
- Express.js, Node.js for Back End
- Make sure You had been install NodeJs in your system
- Then install React Native
- Dont forget express ad the backend
follow these steps to install
git clone
cd KostFinder
npm install
npm start
react-native run-ios #for ios
react-native run-android #for android
create .env file and set API_HOST as your expressUri
git clone
cd KostFinder
npm install
npm install nodemon -D
npm start
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