This package provides a collection of preprocessed fMRI datasets from OpenNEURO. For each dataset, we provides:
- The copes from FLAME 1 analysis computed by FSL;
- The mask from Single-Group Average (One-Sample T-Test) computed by (FSL)[];
- The cluster map from Single-Group Average (One-Sample T-Test) computed by FSL using threshold equals 3.2 and 4;
- The p-values map computed using the pARI package;
- The statistical tests map computed using the pARI package;
The datasets are:
In the folder data-raw and inst/extdata, you can find also several pre-processed fMRI datasets:
For further details about the preprocessing part, please write to angela.andreella[\at]stat[\dot]unipd[\dot]it.
You can install the released version of fMRIdata with:
If you want to load the list of copes from the Auditory data:
Auditory_copes <- list()
sub_ids <- c(sapply(c(c(1:120,198:217)),function(x) ifelse(x<10,paste0("00",x), ifelse(x<100 & x>9,paste0(0,x), paste0(x)))), sapply(c(198:217), function(x)paste0(x)))
for (sid in 1:length(sub_ids)) {
Auditory_copes[[sid]] <- RNifti::readNifti(system.file("extdata/AuditoryData/", paste0("sub-", sub_ids[sid] , ".nii.gz"), package="fMRIdata"))
The package provides some maps in rda format:
- The list of copes (only 20 subjects):
- The cluster map using a threshold equals
$3.2$ :
or using a threshold equals
- The p-values and t-statistics maps:
Please check the correct name file for the other datasets.